Episode 19
Monday Night Magic #019 - Babar the benevolent dictator
Join Tom, Vincent and Brent to talk about some first plays with MKM, how to best abuse Slime Against Humanity in Standard and that Babar the Elephant is actually a benevolent dictator.
If you enjoy the show, join us on discord, send us a message or share the RSS feed with a friend!
Tom – @psgreader or email at tom@dadbodmtg.com
Brent – @drnopants1 or email at brent@dadbodmtg.com
Vincent – “its a mystery”
Website: https://monday-night-magic.captivate.fm/
Chat with us on Discord: https://discord.gg/KEvktfGgGg
RSS Feed: https://feeds.captivate.fm/monday-night-magic/
Homepage: http://www.dadbodmtg.com